Sunday, 15 August 2010

Model Car Kits

Ok so recently been talking to my good friend R0bbit in the states about model kits, he had picked up a car and was half way through it and seen as I'm outta work and looking for a job I thought would be a great time to pick this up again as I haven't done it since school.

So I picked up this car its the Brahbam BT50 BMW Turbo F1 car (for those of you who dont no what it is lol)

so got all my paints my glue and ready to go, so I made a start on it a few weeks back and its WIP(work in progress) at the moment but im getting there ill add a few pics and more as I go along the way.

This one shows you how small the engine is


These are my tyres that I sanded down a bit to make them look like they have been used they look pretty rubbish out the package

Now I have the gear box and oil tank attached to the engine its starting to come along quite nicely.

Here we have the trye's painted up I used a size #0000 brush to do these I dont have the steadiest of hands if im honest and should of probably used a finer brush might of been easier but for a first attempt I'm happy with the way they turned out

Ok so here is my driver I have just painted up :)


As I said WOP so I'll keep it updated as and when I progress.

Original Xbox

Ok so at the moment in time im in no position to buy a new xbox 360 so had to get out the old xbox, made a few mods to it, Soft modded the console using a few various guides, then upgraded the hard drive to a 500gig HD, then joined this great site link in the title, $6 a month unlimited downloads of games home-brew apps & Games, cant go wrong, even got it set-up on-line last night and got my ass handed to me on a plate at Halo 2 oh the good old times eh lol

All good fun, going to try out some new mods soon, maybe put it inside a media centre case and some lights and some better cooling make it look a little sexier than a brick lol, also some wireless controllers seems a good idea, and in the middle of making the controller port for player 4 be able to cold boot the xbox to I don't have many friends so i don't need port 4 lmao