Friday, 21 January 2011

Torrent Buddy For WP7

OK so I am now running WP7 on my HTC HD2 it was only fair to test out some of the apps, and I came across this little app that lets you check you're Torrent from your wp7 device.

"Torrent Buddy is a client application which run on windows phone and communicate with your uTorrent client/webserver running on your PC. This is pretty handy to look at the status of your torrents and control them as needed. What’s unique about Torrent Buddy compared to other apps on market place is that it lets you add new torrents from any website and RSS feeds. Not only that, it also allows you to add torrent from sites which require authentication by adding your own cookie information."
The Trial version will support everything except adding new torrents
you can get it from the market place.
I am nothing to do with this app It just taken me ages to get it set up so thought I would help in case anyone else needed it

OK so I thought I would write up a little tutorial on how to set this app up, as the only info i could find was on this site(the creates of the app)

OK so I found the easiest way of doing this guys was like this (my pc is connected via wifi)

1.give yourself a static ip=
start>control panel>network connections>right click you’re wireless connection>properties>

2.on the General Tab there is a box you can scroll down to, got to Internet protocol(TCP/IP)click on it and click properties

3.use the following IP Address example
IP. =
subnet =
Deafult gateway = (mine was)
DNS server (mine was)
click ok to save then ok

4. log in to you’re router(mine is Netgear so
5.go to port forwarding
6.create new port forward
Service Name = Torrent Buddy
Service Type = TCP/UDP
Starting Port = chose a port
Ending Port = chose a port
Server IP Address (you’re static address)
save and log out you’re router

7.uTorrent setup – In uTorrent, go to options->Preferences->Web UI, Select “Enable Web UI” check mark. Enter a username and password and keep not of the connectivity port. This is what you will need to connect from torrent buddy (Select the check box and enter the port you chose for port forwarding).

Go to [url][/url] and it will show you you’re IP.

fire up torrent buddy and open connections menu
9.Friendly name = whatever you want
Server name = [url]http://yourIP:the[/url] port you chose
username = the same you chose for the settings in Utorrent
Password = as above
save the connection you created and press the tick box if you did everything ok then it should go back to the main screen and connect and then you can watch you’re torrents.

Hope this helps

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

HD2 now runs Android via NAND

Ok so it finally arrived a few weeks back but I've been to busy messing with my phones and flashing and other projects to actually write anything about it.

So what is it, Well NAND is the memory that we will be flashing Android to, instead of running from you're sd card or the RAM, both work ok but this time it will fully remove WinMo from you're device so you will basically have a Desire HD or Evo up-to you what you wanna class it as.

Ok so we start by heading to XDA forums you can click the title for this as I put a link there to get the guide on what to do.

So first of all we need to have HSPL on you're device if you havent then were have you been LOL. So we need MAGLDR you can get that from here. *HERE*

Download the Nand ROM you would like to use from ,*HERE* personally I use CMN [CyanogenMod_Nand]

NOTE1: If you dont have 1 or 2 on your phone then goto *THIS* thread for instructions on how to install HardSPL and update your Radio

NOTE2: You do NOT need to flash a Stock Rom before starting this, a Custom Rom will be fine as long as you have HardSPL 2.08 and a 576 RAM compatable Radio

NOTE3: If you are running Windows XP then you will not be able to right click and run the files as Administrator so just double click and run as normal

NOTE4: LEO512 and LEO1024 are both supported

NOTE5: MAGLDR doesn't replace OSPL/HSPL. It runs in the chain after. So it's safe to install and remove it


Ok so here we go, No pictures for this bit as I already have it, maybe I update it later and take screens for you, will see.
1. Synch Phone with PC in Windows Mobile!!! It has to be connected to activesync or WMDC via USB cable
NOTE: As an alternative method to activesync you can restart your phone in Bootloader Mode, then connect the usb cable and wait until 'usb' appears in the bottom half of your phones screen
2. Browse to the folder you extracted your Magldr Package files to on your pc, right click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe and select Run as Administrator
3. Tick the box to confirm you are aware of the risks and select 'Next'
4. Tick the box to confirm you have followed the preperation steps and select 'Next'
* The program will now check the usb connection *
5. Select 'Update'
6. Verify the image you will flash (it should say and Select 'Next'
7. Read the process list and Select 'Next'
8. Your phone will enter BootLoader Mode and the progress will goto 100%
9. Your phone will now Reboot. Congrats, you just flashed MAGLDR.

NOTE1: This section is only applicable AFTER you have flashed MAGLDR to your Device
NOTE2: Make sure your phone is still connected via usb cable before starting

* When your phone Reboots it will Enter the MAGLDR Boot Menu Screen *
1. Press the 'Volume Down' button to goto Option 4: USB Flasher and press the 'Call' button (far left of the 5 hardware buttons at the bottom)
2. The menu will enter Android Flasher mode and install usb drivers if not present
3. Browse to the folder you extracted your NAND Android Package files to on your pc, right click on Run DAF.exe (or Install.exe if DAF.exe isnt present) and select Run as Administrator
4. Read ALL the text and then select 'Next'
5. Read the information and select 'Next'
6. The installer will now detect USB and then flash your Android Rom to NAND
* You can follow this progress on your Phones Screen *
7. When flashing is complete your phone will Reboot and proceed to boot Android from NAND

I take no responsibility for any fault or damage caused by any procedures within this guide. No warranties of any kind are given.

I will add pictures and more detail later today